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Catalog > Frosted Pumpkin TYPE 8oz Concentrated Liquid Simmering Potpourri

Frosted Pumpkin TYPE 8oz Concentrated Liquid Simmering Potpourri-liquid potpourri, simmering potpourri, simmering oil, home fragrance, sea island cotton potpourri, potpourri
Frosted Pumpkin TYPE 8oz Concentrated Liquid Simmering Potpourri

8oz Concentrated Liquid Simmering Potpourri

~Frosted Pumpkin - Yankee Type~

I just love to smell my house when there is potpourri simmering, however, I was unhappy with the weak fragrances and limited selections offered at the local stores. This 8 oz bottle is super strong, concentrated, water based liquid potpourri. It will quickly fill your room with your favorite scent, mix 50/50 with water...........since it is water based, it's easy to clean up when the scent is gone, just wipe with a paper towel.


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